2024 stretched my muscles and wings in new ways! Besides designing gorgeous new stained glass and caring for our stained glass heritage, I forged ahead on my second graphic novel, and designed and coordinated the creation of two large granite monuments!
Heritage Stained Glass Care
rebuilt these two with stronger lead for their new life as pocket doorsdramatic curlsthese two German painted windows had gold PLASTIC bits!OLD plastic, brittle and cracked – how did it get into these windows?Spent a week in New Waterford fixing several windowsBrought one back to the studio to repaint some broken piecesHere’s a beauty in Mill Cove, possibly donated by Queen Victoria!
Custom Stained Glass
The Conference of the Birds and Holy BasilTulsiThe poetry of stained glassengraved flashed glasssafety gearirises on a pondvery peaceful
From Graphic Novel to Granite Monuments
I brought all my creative and organizational skills to the creation of two monuments carved from granite boulders. I was the Lead on the Monuments Project, which was one of several S.S. Atlantic 150 Legacy Projects. I worked with the SSA 150 Steering Committee, community members, and skilled trades. The event these monuments commemorate is the villagers’ heroic response to the catastrophic wreck of the White Star Line passenger steamship S.S. Atlantic at 3:00 AM on April 1, 1873 on the rocks of Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia. The villagers launched a dangerous rescue, saving over 400 victims, and recovered and buried over 500 bodies in two mass graves. Read more in my graphic novel Call Me Bill (Conundrum Press 2022).
Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia
Concept sketcha village meeting in Lower Prospect – many are descendants of the rescuers!The design features a rowboat as used by the villagersAvi Miller, rock carverlayout consultThe old Norris houseInstallation of the 9000lb rockLower Prospect, Nova ScotiaWinter Solstice
Upper Prospect, Nova Scotia
concept, boats on both monuments point to the wreck siteUpper Prospect villagers sent two boats by dawnThe boats were similar to these at the Dory Museum in Shelburne, NSDescendants of the rescuersthe right sentiment for the past and futurepicturesque Prospect Village, NS
My Work-in-Progress Graphic Novel!!
This is the 1917 scrapbook of my protagonist ElsieElsie served in the No. 7 Dalhousie Stationary Hospital in WWIWWI raged from 1914-1918While Elsie was in Europe, the Halifax Explosion occurred at homemy characters at home and abroadplotting the storylaying out a pagea sequence of pagespainting with brush and penpencil toDecember 1917
I wish you all the very best in this new year! Please contact me if you would like to collaborate in 2025!!